About the Alerts Site

The goal of this website is to capture helpful updates relating to various potential operating status incidents that may occur at the University of Miami. In addition, the homepage of the Alerts Website contains a live feed that provides up-to-the-moment information that comes directly from the Univerity's Emergency Notification Network (ENN).

Managed by the Office of Emergency Management, use the site to learn about operational issues that may be affecting campus systems, facilities, Websites, and more. Not all operating status items currently occuring may be displayed, but we try our best to capture as much information as possible for the benefit of individuals who may be affected.

How Does the Site Work?

FOR NON-EMERGENCY INCIDENTS: Communications personnel from around the University of Miami have access to this site and can post operating status updates that can be fed to other Web pages and feeds. 

FOR EMERGENCY NOTIFICATION NETWORK (ENN) ACTIVATIONS: When the Emergency Management Office sends an Emergency Notification Network Item, it will appear on the homepage of this Website. These kinds of notices also appear at the top of most pages on all of our Websites. 

How to Get Your Operating Status Items Posted

Do you represent or manage communications as it relates to facilities outages, IT service outages, closures, service-level changes, etc?  Contact webmaster@miami.edu if you would like information about how you can become a team-member on this Website. 

What if I Don't Find Information on this Site About an Incident I Know is Currently Occuring?

This site is primarily setup to assist with non-emergency related outages and incidents that may be affecting University campuses. Under certain circumstances, operating status items may not be reported. This site represents an effort to capture what we can, and to work together to report as much as possible, however, it should not be seen as a mandatory record of all occurances.